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  • The Ultimate Guide to Budgeting One Paycheck at a Time
    Step 1: Determine your financial goals Take the time to understand the goals you would like to accomplish with your money. It could be: Saving $5,000 per year for vacation Saving $25,000 for your child’s education Paying off $10,000 in credit card debt Saving $20,000 per year in your retirement account When creating your goals, make sure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Step 2: Determine your current spending habits Normally you manually track your expenses for a month but with technology, you can speed up this process. Most financial institutions allow for the download of your transactional history for the last year. Go to all of your financial institutions (i.e., checking accounts, savings accounts - if spending from those accounts, and credit cards) and download all of your transactions from the previous month in excel. Next, combine all files into one using the most important categories (make sure they are in the right order for whichever financial institution you want to use as the main document): Transaction Date Transaction Name Transaction Amount Transaction Category Financial institutions provide categories to match your transaction. Go through each of the categories to ensure they are correct or assign your own. Financial institutions’ categories are not created equal so make sure they match. The last step is to create a pivot chart to see your spending consolidated into your categories. Need assistance with excel, check out this cheat sheet! Step 3: Analyze your spending Now it is time to get real with yourself. Subtract the total amount of spending from your monthly income. If the Difference is: Zero - your income equals your expenses Positive - you have more income than expenses Negative - you have more expenses than income If you are in the negative or at zero but don’t have any room for your goals, you need to analyze your spending and see what you can eliminate to get yourself into a positive state. Maybe your spending for groceries was significantly higher than normal that month and you can reduce the amount. You had a little too much fun at happy hours or on the weekend and can cut that down. Don’t forget about those one-time expenses you may pay for that don’t show up for the month: Car Insurance Specialty credit card fees Yearly memberships (i.e., Beachbody, xBox, Costco/Sam’s Club) Renters/Home Owner's Insurance Tax Payments You should also account for these items in your monthly budget so you are saving money towards the payment. Step 4: Budget One Paycheck at a Time The best thing about budgeting One Paycheck at a Time is that: You know how much you can spend for the expense category during the pay period The money is always available for you to make your purchases To accomplish this, you must split your expense by your pay frequency. For example, you are paid weekly and your budget for your groceries is $100 for the month. You would divide your expenses by 4 (number of weeks in a month) which comes out to $25 per pay. Let’s use car insurance as an example. You pay $300 every six months for your car insurance and you are paid semi-monthly. You would divide the expense by 12 (number of weeks semi-monthly weeks in 6 months) which comes out to $24 per pay. This amount will continue to rollover within your budget until you are ready to make the payment.
  • I am a visual person, are their videos to show me how to use MyFondi?
    Yes, we do: Video #1: Adding Income - (Time: 2:52) Video #2: Adding Additional Income - (Time: 1:23) Video #3: Creating Your Budget - (Time: 4:33) Video #4: Paycheck Review - (Time 2:12) Video #5: Adding Goals - (Time: 1:54) Video #6: Adding Financial Institutions - (Time: 3:12) Video #7: Adding Manual Transactions - (Time: 2:13) Video #8: Transaction Review - (Time: 6:53) Please note at the 3:50 mark, we discuss clearing overage in your budget. An important wasn’t noted that you should be aware of. When clearing balance once a rollover has occurred within the paycheck budget, you must take the rollover balance into account when adjusting your balance. If a rollover did not occur, you can change the balance to the value you would like. Total Viewing Time: 23:12 minutes
  • How do I sign-up?
    First, you need to go to the App or Play Store to download the MyFondi app and sign-up in the following ways: 1) Gmail Connection 2) Your Email
  • How do I start my budget in MyFondi?
    You start with adding your income into the MyFondi app using the Paychecks button within the bottom menu bar and select Add Income Source in the paycheck view. There are 2 income types: Recurring Income is income that you are expecting to receive on a recurring basis. Non-Recurring or Other Income is a one-time payment such as a tax refund or money received as a gift. If you have two recurring incomes and you want to make one budget, you MUST enter the most frequent income first. Next, you select a Payment Frequency. There are 4 pay frequencies you can select which are (going from most to least frequent): Weekly, Bi-Weekly which is every other week, Semi-Monthly which is for example the 1st and 15th of the Month, Monthly Once Payment Frequency is selected, you will enter your Income by adding the Income Name, Start Date, and Paycheck Amount. Once all information is entered, select Submit. This will create your Paycheck Budgets.
  • I am an entrepreneur and my money changes from month to month. Do you have a suggestion on how to set up my budget?
    We suggest creating a new budget each month to match closely with your expected income. For example, let’s say you are expecting $5,000 for the month of January. You can create a monthly budget for $5,000 or set up the right timing in pay frequency so you can Budget One Paycheck at a Time. Then February you may expect $10,000 and you can create a new budget to allow you to budget for the additional income.
  • How do I add expenses?
    To allocate your expense, select the most recent paycheck within the Paycheck View and select Click to Allocate above the Income section. There are two ways to allocate your expenses: Add expenses to all future paychecks using the All Paychecks Like This button. Add expenses to the paycheck selected only When using the All Paychecks Like This feature, it will add your expenses to all your paychecks and future-generated paychecks. If you do not select All Paychecks Like This, it will only add to the selected paycheck, and no other paychecks shown or future-generated paychecks. However, if there is a carrying balance it will continue to move forward within your paycheck budget. If you want to have the expenses in your current and future paychecks, select the All Paychecks Like This button first. Next, select Transaction Category and search for the category you would like to input or create a new category using the Add New Category button (FYI, you can use emojis). Once the category is selected, you can enter the Transaction Amount. You can continue to add additional expense items by selecting Add More or selecting Save to apply to your paycheck(s).
  • How do I change my expense balance for one paycheck only?
    To change your allocated expense, select the paycheck you would like to change within the Paycheck View and select Click to Allocate above the Income section. Find the expense line item and select the Edit button to the right of the dollar amount. Change the balance to the correct amount and select Update. Once prompted, select Only Current Paycheck. This will update the selected paycheck only and will not affect future-generated paychecks.
  • How do I change my expense balance for a selected paycheck and all paychecks going forward?
    To change your allocated expense, select the paycheck you would like to change within the Paycheck View and select Click to Allocate above the Income section. Find the expense line item and select the Edit button to the right of the dollar amount. Change the balance to the correct amount and select Update. Once prompted, select Apply to All Future Paychecks. This will update all paychecks shown that date forward and future-generated paychecks.
  • What are the different fields within the paycheck view?
    Total Expected Income - the amount of income expected each paycheck. Total Received Income - the actual income received from your paycheck. Currently Budgeted - the Grand Total of the entire budget column. To Be Budgeted - the Expected Income less the Budget. Currently Available - takes into consideration either Actual Income or Expected Income and reduces the balance by what is Spent. Expected Income is used until Actual Income is received. Budgeted - the amount budgeted, Spent - the actual amount spent, Available - the amount left to spend for each expense category.
  • I have a negative balance within To Be Budgeted, what does that mean?
    This means that you are spending more than your allotted income for your paycheck budget. You will need to analyze your expenses and determine how you can reduce your expenses to equal $0.00 within the To Be Budgeted column.
  • Do I have to do anything to move my money to the next paycheck?
    No, we have a rollover feature that takes the remainder of your available balance and adds the balance to your next paycheck. For example, groceries were $25 for all paychecks. When you move to the next paycheck and didn’t send anything in this category, you will now have $50 to spend. This also includes any Surplus or Deficit in your paycheck. The Surplus or Deficit is added or subtracted from your Currently Available balance in the current paycheck.
  • What is the best way to get out of debt?
    There are two ways to get out of debt which is the High-Cost and Snowball Method: High-Cost Method Arrange by the highest interest rate to the lowest Pay the minimum payment due on each debt Any extra money to pay off debt goes to the first debt on the list After you pay off the first debt, move payment to the next debt on the list Repeat Snowball Arrange by lowest balance to the highest Pay the minimum payment due on each debt Any extra money goes towards the first debt on the list After you pay off the first debt, move payment to the next debt on the list Repeat
  • What are automated goals and how do I use it?
    Automated goals use your account that is attached to track your progress towards your goal. To start, select Add New Goals on the homepage. Once selected, select Savings or Debt Management Goal. Add your Goal Name, select Yes under Choose Account to Attach to this Goal, and select Browse Account. Select the accounts you would like to attach to the goal. Next enter your Goal Income Source, How Much You Want to Save/Reduce for This Goal (Savings: Must Update; Debt Management: Automatic), and the Amount You Are Willing to Save Per Paycheck. Once this information is added, it will calculate an estimated goal end date. You can use the sliding bar or change the amount to determine a different goal end date. Once you are satisfied with your goal, you can select Create Goal and the goal will appear on your homepage. Now that you know how much you are willing to put towards your goal, you can add this information into your paycheck budgets.
  • What are manual goals and how do I use it?
    Manual goals use Transaction Category to track your progress towards your goal. To start, select Add New Goals on the homepage. Once selected, select Savings or Debt Management Goal. Add your Goal Name and select No under Choose Account to Attach to this Goal. Next enter your Goal Income Source, Goal Category, How Much You Want to Save/Reduce for This Goal, and the Amount You Are Willing to Save Per Paycheck. Once this information is added, it will calculate an estimated goal end date. You can use the sliding bar or change the amount to determine a different goal end date. Once you are satisfied with your goal, you can select Create Goal and the goal will appear on your homepage. You will find this goal either added or updated with the new amount (if the category exists in your budget) within the next paycheck and all future paychecks.
  • How does MyFondi calculate the goal end date?
    MyFondi uses the budget frequency to calculate your estimated goal date for manual goals. For automated goals, it will use the current account amount, goal amount, and pay frequency to calculate your estimated end date. The end date will change within your goal if you add additional funds to your goal to see your new estimated end date. Note: The interest rate is not considered in the goal end date calculation. This is a future enhancement to the MyFondi app.
  • Can I update my goal once it is created?
    Yes, you can update your goal by selecting the goal on the Homepage. Once in your goal, you can change the How Much You Want to Save/Reduce for This Goal or the Amount You Are Willing to Save Per Paycheck to see your new estimated goal end date. Once you are satisfied, save your update goal.
  • How can I view my goals?
    Select View All Goals on the homepage and you will find your goals separated into Savings and Debt Reduction. In addition, you can view your goals on the homepage by swiping left and right.
  • I achieved my goal, now what?
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is exciting news. You can remove your goal once you are prompted or you can go to the goal later and remove the goal from your view. Create your next goal and crush it!
  • How do I add my financial institution?
    Note: MyFondi has partnered with Plaid to supply all of your transactions. We do not obtain or hold any personal identifiable account information from Plaid. It is restricted to only pulling in your transactions and account balances. Select Accounts within the menu bar which leads to Add New Account option. Select Continue and search for your financial institution. If you cannot locate your financial institution, you will have to add your transactions in manually. Once selected, login into your financial institution using your login credentials. You will receive a successful notification when completed. Plaid will return you back to MyFondi after selecting Continue which will prompt you to select which accounts you would like to add into the MyFondi app. You will have the option to bring over: Transactions – accounts that you would like your transactions to feed into your paycheck budgets. You will also have the account balances as well. Balances – accounts you would like to use for goal purposes only. If you have several accounts under one financial institution and want to do both, you will have to add the items for transactional purposes at one time and repeat the process to add the accounts for Balance only. Once selected, it will add the accounts to MyFondi and load your transactions into the appropriate paycheck views.
  • How can I add my transactions manually?
    Select the Transaction button from the menu bar and select Add Manual Transaction. Add in the appropriate information for your transaction. Transaction Type Transaction Name Transaction Category Transaction Date Transaction Amount Next, select the Paycheck to place the transaction and select Add Transaction.
  • How can I view my transactions?
    You can view your transactions in the following ways: Homepage under Latest Transactions selecting View All Transactions Paycheck View selecting Monthly Plaid Bank Transactions under Transactions which will show all Plaid Bank Transactions
  • How can I change my transaction category or paycheck assigned?
    Under the Latest Transactions within the Homepage select View All Transactions and select the transaction in question. Then select Change Category or Change Paycheck and select Yes. Next, select the category you would like to change or the correct paycheck budget.
  • How do I remove a transaction from my budget?
    Under the Latest Transactions within the Homepage select View All Transactions and select the transaction in question. Selects the 3 dots on the side of the transaction which will prompt you to confirm the deletion. Once confirmed, it will delete the transaction from MyFondi.
  • How do I remove an account from MyFondi?
    Select the Account button from the menu bar and select the 3 dots on the side of the account you want to remove. You will receive 2 options: Clear All - can be used to clear all transactions from MyFondi but keeps the balances to use for other purposes. Remove - will give you the option to completely delete the account along with the corresponding transactions Delete – removes the account but keeps the transactions within MyFondi. We recommend keeping the transactions but removing the account as it will remove all transactions from your existing budgets. The only time you should remove the transactions from your budget is if you added them by mistake during the setup process. This will cause a significant impact to your budget.
  • I have a negative balance within my available balance, how do I get the balance back to $0 or a positive balance?
    You have two ways to clear the overspending within a budgeted line item: You can move money from one category to another category If you have money available within To Be Budgeted, you can add the funds into the Budgeted category by using the Click to Allocate. Make sure you do not allocate across all paychecks unless this is something you want to continue within your future paycheck budget. Please note the rollover occurs, you must take the rollover balance into consideration when adjusting your balance. If a rollover did not occur, you can change the balance to the value you would like.
  • I have a negative balance within my Currently Available balance after a received a deposit into my account. Should I be concerned?
    Depends. If you have dual income and paid on different days, this will make your Currently Available balance go into a negative as your second income will come in a few days later. If you see a negative after all income is received, this means you got paid less than what you were expecting for that paycheck budget. This means you are now over budget and need to adjust your budgeted categories or bring in additional funds to bring yourself back into a positive position.
  • I want my budget to match my bank account so I know how much I can spend within my paycheck budget. Is this possible?
    Yes, this is MyFondi’s philosophy. We want you to be able to make those on-the-spot decisions immediately by looking at your budget. Once you have your budget setup and bank account added, review the transactions to ensure they are assigned to the appropriate category and paychecks. Next in your current paycheck, make sure all expenses are accounted for and your budgeted items are correct. Make sure all items from your bank account are accounted for in your budget as well. If there are pending items that have not migrated to MyFondi, do not add them as they will move over once ready. Next, add the correct running balance from your bank account that matches the last transaction entered into MyFondi by adding a manual income transaction. This will now align your Current Available Balance with your bank account plus any pending income not received for the current paycheck.
  • I want to change my email address for my account, is this possible?
    Yes, simply click on the photo in the right-hand corner and update your profile information there.
  • I can’t remember my password.
    On the login page, you will find the Forgot My Password button below the sign-in section. This will send an email to you to reset your password.
  • I can’t remember the email I used for MyFondi.
    Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about this. You will have to have to sign-up with a new email address.
  • I am having issues with my financial institution, how can I have the issue fixed?
    There may be an issue between Plaid and your financial institution. Please give them some time to resolve the issues that may occur. If it continues, please complete our form here: and we will perform an investigation.
  • I don’t see my financial institution, how can I request to have them added to Plaid?
    Unfortunately, Plaid does not have a request list for you to submit this information but they are working diligently to add financial institutions into their framework. Per Plaid, “Our network of supported financial institutions is vast and growing. Plaid currently integrates with more than 10,000 financial institutions around the world. But we haven’t integrated with them all yet.”
  • How often do you update plaid?
    We update bank data several times a day, but it can also depends on the frequency of updates from your financial institution which varies from bank to bank. We would like to have all transactions show immediately but it may not be possible. If you are not seeing transactions after a couple of days from your financial institution, please complete our form here: and we will perform an investigation.
  • When I go to my Accounts, it is showing reauthorize. What does this mean?
    This means you will need to relog into your account by simply selecting reauthorize and entering your credentials into Plaid. This could occur because you’ve changed your login information or your financial institution may have more frequent security measures in place to ensure your account should be accessed by MyFondi.
  • What should I do if I am seeing a duplicate transaction?
    Under the Latest Transactions within the Homepage select View All Transactions and select the transaction in question. Selects the 3 dots on the side of the transaction which will prompt you to confirm the deletion. Once confirmed, it will delete the transaction from MyFondi.
  • I would like to cancel my subscription.
    Simply go to your profile in the right-hand corner and select cancel membership. It will ask for confirmation before completing the transaction. Once canceled, you will have access for the remaining days or months from the date of cancellation. No additional charges will incur to your account.
  • I would like to delete my information from MyFondi.
    If you would like your data from the MyFondi framework. Please make sure you cancel your subscription by going to your profile in the right-hand corner and select cancel membership. Next, submit a request for account deletion through our Contact Us page (
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